What Are Two Reasons For Physical Layer Protocols To Use Frame Encoding Techniques? (Choose Two.)
What Are Two Reasons For Physical Layer Protocols To Use Frame Encoding Techniques? (Choose Two.)
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What Are Two Reasons For Physical Layer Protocols To Use Frame Encoding Techniques? (Choose two.)
The first main reason is to prevent data collision during transmission of the data. The second reason is to provide the difference between the control information and the data. Now, let us discuss the physical layer protocols and the frame encoding Techniques of the physical layer.
The physical layer is the first layer from the bottom of the OSI model. It normally gives the fundamental base in order to build the network. Let us take an example to know about the types of connections. Let say we have a home router as shown in the below figure, the home router consists of many connections like an embedded wireless antenna, internet connection, ethernet switch, and different ports. We all know that the physical layer deals with the transmission of the bits. The OSI model is used to transport the bits that can make up the data link layer frame.
There are three different types at the physical layer of the OSI model. They are through electrical signals, light pulses, and microwave signals.
The electrical signals are nothing but through the copper or fiber optic cables. Another type is, we can transmit through light pulses. And the third type is through microwave signals.
The physical layer of the OSI model is mostly implemented at the hardware, there are different standards at the physical layer of the OSI model, ISO, EIA/TIA, ITU-T, ANSI, IEEE.
Now, let us discuss the frame encoding violations at the physical layer of the OSI model. The data framing at the data link layer is called the physical layer coding violations. When encoding at the physical layer contains any redundancy then the framing techniques are performed.
Encoding violation is nothing but a method that is mostly used at the network layer of the OSI model, only when there is redundancy at the physical layer of the OSI. For suppose, let us consider Lan’s encoding, in it each bit of the data can be represented by using the two physical bits.
Each bit of the data can be represented by two physical bits instead of one. Let us take a manchester encoding, here when the bit will be 1, this 1 can be represented as 10. For suppose if we encounter any 0, then this 0 is encoded into 01.
Similarly, if we want to different the starting and the ending frame, whenever the combination of 0 and 0 is encountered and whenever the combination of 1 and 1 is encountered, these are not used for the purpose of the data, so these are used for as the frame boundaries.
It is nothing but, to operate the division between the two frames or to make difference between the two frames at the data link layer of the OSI model. Then this is the best approach to exploit the redundancy.
Hence, the error codes like 00 and 11 can be used at the end boundaries and as an escape between the frames of the data link layer.