What Is The Interface Id Of The Ipv6 Address 2001:Db8::1000:A9cd:47ff:Fe57:Fe94/64?
What Is The Interface Id Of The Ipv6 Address 2001:Db8::1000:A9cd:47ff:Fe57:Fe94/64?
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What is the interface ID of the IPv6 address 2001:DB8::1000: A9CD:47FF: FE57:FE94/64?
Answer: The IPv6 Interface ID is consists of the rightmost 64 bits or the end four hextets, of an address, if an interface ID bit is used for the subnets.
The interface identifier and the IPV6 interface identifiers are discussed in the following section. So, stay connected to the end of the topic.
Interface Identifiers (ID)
In all the IPV6 address the end 64 bits are the portion of the address which describe the Interface ID and also present the specified unique interface on the local link or subnet. The Interface id in some windows is displayed as follows:
Interface ID of the IPV6:
Moreover, the second part of the IPV6 address which is 64 bits is the interface identifier that determines the network interface of the host. The value is formed by interesting the hexadecimal FFFE to the center of the MAC address of the network card. Every seventh bit in the first bye is switched to a binary 1 and if is turned to 0 that is describe that the MAC is the burned-in MAC address. After the insertion, the interface ID is commonly called the modified extended unique identifier (EUI-64).
Let us see the example, suppose the MAC address of the network card is 00:BB:CC: DD:11:22 then the interface ID will be 02BBCCFFFEDD1122. Now let us see the methods for the creation of the Interface ID.
At first, flip the seventh bit of the byte to 1. The MAC address is in hexadecimal form the binary form is:
Hex 00BBCCDD1122
Binary 0000 0000 1011 1011 1100 1100 1101 1101 0001 0001 0010 0010
Flip the 7th bit of the binary form:
Binary 0000 0010 1011 1011 1100 1100 1101 1101 0001 0001 0010 0010
Now the hex address of MAC is:
Hex 02BBCCDD1122
Now insert the FFEE to the center of the hex MAC address:
That’s how the interface ID is 02BB: CCFF: FEDD:1122.