What Option, When Passed To The Shutdown Command, Will Restart The Local Computer?
What Option, When Passed To The Shutdown Command, Will Restart The Local Computer?
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What Option, When Passed To The Shutdown Command, Will Restart The Local Computer?
The /r option is passed to the shutdown command and will restart the local computer. Today, let us learn how to restart the computer after we click on the shutdown button. Let us do it for the windows 10 operating system.
Here when you click the power button and then shutting down the computer, when you use the option /r it stops shutting down and immediately restarts the computers. We have many shutdown commands and restart commands, now let us learn each of them in detail. We can use different commands to shut down the computer after any specified time.
For this, we do not require any software or application to be installed. we just need to use the commands, here we should click the windows key and writing the command, and press enter. Type shutdown -s -t and write the time when you want to shut down the computer. The time in the command should be entered in seconds. If we want to change the time to shut down the computer, we first need ti to stop the previous timer that we set.
For that, we type shutdown -a in the command prompt. We also have some of the basic commands to shut down and restart the computer using the command prompt. when we want to log out from the computer firstly press the windows +R key on the desktop. Now, you can see the run option, here type cmd over there and click of entering button.
Now it opens the command prompt, types shutdown /l in the command prompt, it will directly logouts the computer. And in order to shut down the Windows computer, you need to use the command called shutdown /s. Repeat the same process as previously and open the command prompt and type the command shutdown /s. And if we want to shut down the computer immediately we just need to enter shutdown /s /t 00.
And if we want to restart the computer by using the command prompt. simply type shutdown /r. As earlier, we need to repeat the same process by clicking the Windows + R command and open the command prompt and type the shutdown /r. And if we want to shut down immediately just type shutdown /s /t /00.
We can also restart the computer by simply using the keyboard. Here press windows + X + U and R, now the computer get restarts. And for shutting down the computer by using the keyboard, we press Windows + X and U 2 times. After this, it directly shuts down the computer. We can also restart the computer by simply using the power shell. By opening the PowerShell as an administrator on a simpler local machine, we type restart-computer and will directly restart the local computer. We can also give restart-computer -Computer name and type the name. And if it receives any error, we can also type restart-computer-Force. Now it will directly restart the computer.