When The Same Default Tracking Code Is Installed On Pages With Different Domains, What Will Result?
When The Same Default Tracking Code Is Installed On Pages With Different Domains, What Will Result?
When The Same Default Tracking Code Is Installed On Pages With Different Domains, What Will Result?
When the same default tracking code is installed on pages with different domains, then it will associate all the users and sessions with their domains. Today, let us know how to install the tracking code on the pages. Installing the tracking code on the website to get the data later form. It is important to install the tracking code properly so that analytics data that you need to make business decisions. Now, let us learn the same default tracking code installation o the pages.
The same default tracking code installation is not globally on the website but it is present on the conversion pages. So that the data can be tracked properly and then we check it out. Let us take an example to understand this clearly. Suppose you are the director of a company and there is a marketing team and suppose you are running Facebook ads and some other digital advertising that we can track the data on how everything is going to perform so that we can inform the marketing business teams.
Now we are going to install the conversion tracking code on the conversion page. Here first we are going to install the tracking code manager plug-in to the website. and then we are going to take the global code that comes from other social media platforms and paste it into the global portion within the settings of the plugin. Here we can see the instructions with the google adword code.
Now we learn how to place the tracking code on the HTML page and how to test whether it is working or not. Here we use the C panel file manager and we can also use the FTP software FileZilla. But most of the hosting providers will be having the C panels.
Now, let us open the C panel dashboard and then we just click the file manager and then we locate our HTML page and right-click on the file, and choose the edit option. Here we can see the HTML code for the simple page. To identify the Tracking Code in google analytics, go to the admin and at the bottom left corner, we can find the tracking information. Click on the tracking info and select the tracking code.
After finding the Tracking code, copy the whole code snippet and paste t just above the head tag in the HTML code that we saved earlier in the C panel file manager. After this go back to the analytics and simply press on send test traffic or simply we can open an incognito window with the website URL. We can see one active user on the tracking ID status. If it can track the active users that are present on your website then we can say that the tracking code is successfully get installed on the page. But when the same default tracking code is installed on pages with different domains then it associates all the users and its sessions to associate with their domains.