Which Statement Below Correctly Describes How To Manage Span Of Control Using The Modular Concept?
Which Statement Below Correctly Describes How To Manage Span Of Control Using The Modular Concept?
Which Statement Below Correctly Describes How To Manage Span Of Control Using The Modular Concept?
We can organize the span of control by organizing all the resources into the different teams, divisions. Today let us learn how to manage the span by using the modular concept. Before we get into that, let us know the basic definition of the span of control. It is a collection of all the subordinates, these subordinates can be managed by the manager’s ineffective use.
To understand this concept, let us learn an example, suppose there are three employees, and there is a boss to manage all the employees. The below figure shows the structure. This type of structure is called the span of control. The below figure consists of a director as the head and the manger1, manager 2, manager 3 are like the subordinates to the head.
The main aim of the span of control is to manage the complexity of the job. The span of control can also lead to the shape of the organization. Now, let us know how the span of control get works?
In earlier days, it is assumed that we 3 to 8 subordinates are sufficient for the span of control, but there is no proof for that assumption till now. After that, a theory came into light by the Graicunas that span of control consists of the three types of relations. They are
Now, let us know each type of relationship in detail. In the direct relationship, there is a direct interaction between the head and the subordinates.
The next type of relation is the group relation. In the group relation, there form a group between the all the subordinates. For suppose, there are three subordinates like A, B, C . Now, In group relation, these subordinates are group together as, ABC, AB, BC, and so on.
And the third type of relation is cross-relationship. There is a formula for the cross-relationship i.e n(n-1). Here n represents the no. of subordinates.
There are some of the challenges that affect the span of control. They are Capacity of superior, degree of planning, the capacity of subordinates, nature of work.
When there is not enough capacity for a manager to manage all the subordinates then it raises the capacity of the superior.
The capacity of subordinates is also equally important to the manager, as the subordinates must be capable enough to make the decisions and to do the work.
The nature of work defines the complexity of the work that is happening. The nature of work is again divided into two types. They are wide and the other one is narrow.
Another main challenge is the degree of planning, maintaining a higher degree of plans while doing the work will increase the degree of the span of control.
Another most challenge is the degree of decentralization. This degree of decentralization defines the power that we give to the next level of the people. It tells, How much power is associated with each of the subordinates.