A fantastic method to demonstrate your knowledge and position yourself as an authority in the industry is to write for us. You also gain exposure thanks to our goodwill and social media platforms. The rules, the submission procedure, and the kinds of content we allow are all clearly explained in this article, so please take your time to read it all.
Note: For Guest posts, you can contact snabaynetworking.com or email info@snabaynetworking.com.
What to Search for
- Comprehensive, data-driven, engaging, and instructional guest posts are the best. Make sure that your submission, to maximize your chances of being published on our blog,
- Is an article providing useful advice that is current, well-researched, and at least 1000 words long.
- Is completely unreleased and original. Anything that has already been published elsewhere won’t be republished by us.
- Contains only assertions that are supported by references to reliable case studies or research. Do not use any unrelated advertising links to websites or mention any of our competitors.
- Add illustrations for your point with instances and pertinent pictures. Don’t use generic stock images that don’t enhance the writing. To visualize data, information, workflows, concepts, and frameworks.
- Includes shorter paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make the content easier to read.
Issues We Address
Individuals and teams from various organizational departments make up the majority of our readership. They are searching for advice, best practices, and manuals on how to work and cooperate visually. We only accept crystal-clear, appealing content that fits into the following areas in order to create a reliable library of knowledge and insights that users can consult to enhance and expedite their operations.
- Cooperation with images
- Project management using images
- Technical and business diagramming
- Addressing problems visually
- Communication and ideation with images
- visualization of data
- Design reasoning
- Modeling of business processes
- Exposure to a sizable population
The blog consistently receives over 100,000 visitors every month. All excellent pieces are also featured in our monthly newsletter, exposing your work to a larger audience who will read and share it.
- Using social media
On social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, we stay active. For more exposure, all of your content will be shared on these platforms.
- Payments
Please be aware that your articles will not be paid for. If you’re a skilled writer and believe you can produce outstanding articles for us, get in touch with us and send us some writing samples.
Rules for Submissions
- To be published, a submission must adhere to the quality criteria of the content team. The editors reserve the right to reject submissions and make a few minor changes to your content.
- Your essay must be at least 1000 words long and provide our visitors with something worthwhile.
- You are limited to one self-serving connection. Either a link to a pertinent, educational resource (such as a blog post) in the article’s body, or a link to your website or any social media outlet in the author bio. From the blog, you can link to other pertinent posts that might enhance this one. But just limit the number of links. Generally speaking, it’s recommended to keep the number of links under 5.
- Links that go elsewhere must be pertinent to our blog. Links to websites relating to credit, dating, SEO, and other topics are all prohibited.
- After something has been posted on our blog, it cannot be posted elsewhere, including on your own site.
- The use of images and videos is encouraged because they make the article appear more appealing to readers.
- Pictures should have a maximum width of 580 pixels. Send them separately attached if possible.
- While utilizing photos, be careful not to breach copyright. When due, give credit.
- Use the flowcharts, Gantt charts, and other technical diagrams that may be found in our diagram community if you’re incorporating them.
Think about these before you write for us:
- To provide our readers and business owners a chance to develop their brands, we made the decision to allow guest posting. So, we prefer to work with genuine individuals rather than SEO services. Before sending us your article, kindly get to know us better. Follow us on social media and spread the word about our other stories. You’ll have a much better probability of getting published as a result.
- Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
- Every month, we receive 50–100 submissions. So, refrain from emailing publishers to enquire about the status of your piece. You’ll hear from us if your article is chosen.
- Although the page is lengthy and the requirements are stringent, we believe that they are important to cut down on spam submissions. awaiting some excellent content. We’ll get in touch with you to discuss the next steps and any other requirements in order to publish your piece if we decide it’s a good fit.
Formatting Instructions
We don’t have a specific style manual that you must adhere to. In order to make your message simpler to read, we do have a few simple formatting requests:
- Use Google Documents to write your article. For us, creating a WordPress article from your content couldn’t be simpler than this (using our Google Docs and WordPress integrations).
- Keep your sub-header levels to H2 and H3. This aids in maintaining a simple and clear format.
- All screenshots should have a 1360-pixel width. Retina monitors will suit our blog width with this.
- Put each photograph in its own ZIP folder. Please provide a “clean” version of any photos with markup (such as arrows, text, etc.); a graphic designer on our team will use the clean copy.
- Please only submit photographs that you are okay with seeing modified to match our visual language and brand guidelines. In order to maintain a consistent visual aesthetic throughout every piece we publish, we frequently revamp photos featured in guest work (along with attribution and a link to the original source). We’ll see what we can do if you’re uncomfortable, so please let us know.
- Observe the fundamental rules of online writing. The best sentences and paragraphs are those with few words. 20-word sentences and one- to two-word paragraphs are preferred.
When a guest author can relate one of our earlier blogs to the subject of their current piece, we like it when they do so.
Links ought to be pertinent and helpful to the reader.
Backlinks will be removed if we determine them to be spammy, irrelevant, or used in an exaggerated example. The article will be rejected if there are more than three of these kinds of links, and we won’t get in touch with you for any other guest articles.
We will remove all but one of your backlinks if you repeatedly use them, even if they are pertinent.
Please do not get in touch with us concerning sponsored or link-exchange blog postings.
Write for Us Blog: Email Info@snabaynetworking.com for the Guest Post.
Layout of the Blog:
- Title
- Summary
- Introduction
- What You Will Learn
- Prerequisites
- “The Meat”
a. For Tutorials: Steps 1 – n
b. For Tour: Examples 1 – n - Conclusion
- More resources
1. Title – How a compelling title may alter your life
The headline of your post is the first thing someone will see. You wish to succeed:
8 to 15 words are the ideal length.
Make the headline compelling by letting the reader know what they may expect from the article.
Accurate: describe what’s in your post using precise, concrete language.
2. What does the summary mean?
The summary provides the reader with a little bit more information about what to anticipate from the content. Try to keep it under 280 characters, which is the maximum length for a Tweet.
3. Introduction:
Your post’s opening establishes the scene and the context. A strong beginning will prepare the reader. What are we discussing? When does this hold true? Why is there a problem at all?
Describe the suffering
Describe what “old-timers” had previously done before this.
Finish by giving a brief explanation of what we’re doing.
4. What You Will Learn: 2 to 8 paragraphs long
What the reader will learn from reading this post should be clearly stated in this brief section. Be factual, and if necessary, use bullets. Just one paragraph is appropriate (or maybe 2).
5. Prerequisites: Important Information
Link to 2-4 URLs that appear right before your content in the user’s “journey” by using the requirements section. Add those prerequisites as URLs and, if needed, include a phrase for each one. Link to resources within newline whenever you can so that the community’s expertise can be built upon one another.
6.a. Steps 1 through n for a Tutorial
You will lead the reader through the lesson in these sections, outlining each step. It is the article’s main point. Writing a detailed explanation takes a lot of time. It might occasionally be agonizing for the author to go into every detail.
6. b. Examples 1 through n for a tour
In contrast to a coding tutorial, a tour of features is organized differently because the examples frequently don’t build on one another.
7. The Verdict
Summarize your discussion at the end of your post. Inform the reader of its importance and its future implications. Also, this is your moment to issue a call to action!
8. Other sources
Your post should end with a list of resources that readers can use to learn more. Give them credit and include a link to any additional sources you used in your study. Give the reader specific instructions on how to find out more.
For Guest Post Enquiry You can visit snabaynetworking.com or email info@snabaynetworking.com.
Guest Post Search Terms:
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